David Gilmour
Trivia and Quotes

While there were some parallels between David's solo work and his work with Pink Floyd, 'David Gilmour' stood on its own and showed that David had long passed the stage of being a replacement for another musician. His previous guitar work was already easily identifiable and this album served to engrain it permanently for every work that followed. He himself was pleased with the guitar work on the album, and although he felt that he approached the instrument in much the same fashion he did with Pink Floyd at the time, he thought the solos were a bit more "off the cuff" and fresher.

David lined up two former band mates, Rick Wills, bassist, and Willie Wilson, drummer, for the album, and approached another long time colleague Roy Harper, who co-wrote Short and Sweet with David.

The album cover was designed by Hipgnosis and David, the location used was the back of David's Essex home. The two men with David are Willie Wilson and Rick Wills. Some of the inside cover photos are from David and Ginger Gilmour's private collection.

It was while working on his solo album that David first wrote Comfortably Numb, saving the rough demo for some future project. He also had written music for Run Like Hell about this same time.

David admitted he was a bit heavy handed in his playing approach, but made it clear that it was a major factor in his style. His lead work did not often involve fast lines, but rather melodic and moving phrases.

Near the beginning of Raise My Rent, many fans of The Division Bell will recognize several familiar notes from What Do You Want From Me.

May '78, Super Bear Studios, Miraval, France, shoots promo vid for album with David, Rick Mills, Willie Wilson and Mark Gilmour, David's brother. Mark played on all five of the songs chosen for the half hour promo vid. They were Mihalis, I Can't Breathe Anymore, No Way, There's No Way Out of Here, and So Far Away.

The Press Premiere for the album was held at the Hotel Prince DeGalles in Paris, May 25, '78.

Mihalis is the Greek name for Michael, and is the name of one of David Gilmour's boats. "That's what it was called when I got it and, in Greece, they say it's bad luck to change it." [David]

Short and Sweet was a concept song...."(it) is a celebration of life, the quality, on whatever level." [R. Harper] It was also performed by Roy Harper on his album The Unknown Soldier.

August '79, There's No Way Out of Here is released as a single. This track received the most air play from the album, but was not successful in the singles charts. Deafinitely was also on a single with an edited version of There's No Way Out of Here. That was released in the US and the UK in August '78.

There's No Way Out of Here was a song written by Ken Baker and was released in '76 by Unicorn on their Too Many Crooks album, which was produced by David Gilmour.


"At home I sometimes catch an acoustic guitar and begin to play, aimlessly. My recording was born from a crazy desire to express myself, wanting to be as natural as possible." -David

"I've never managed to become a very light fingered guitarist, I'm not that sort of player. That's just the way I am. I don't really mind that, though. I'd like to have the technique there, but I think a lot of other people abuse it." -David

Asked if pleased with the album after the fact, David said: "Yes I think so. There's a lot that I can see now that I could have done more with it. The sound, the sound quality of the mixing isn't as good as what we are doing with the Floyd these days." -David

"The basic writing I think is quite good. I'm very happy with all the stuff. I could have spent a lot more time honing the ideas down, and making it a bit more compact if you like, but I really wanted to get in and do it fast. I was only three weeks recording it, and it does show a little bit." -David

"The only way to have everything your own way is to make your own records. That may or may not be the best thing for you." -David